As a young girl, Stefani watched, intrigued by her Dad’s architectural penmanship and drafting skills, as he designed and built their personal family home. From there, she was constantly sketching designs for “the perfect floorplan” and soaking up any design magazines she could get her hands on.
After high school graduation she spent her first two years of college studying Architecture at BYU Idaho. Widening her educational breadth, she changed her major to Interior Design and transferred to the FIDER-accredited Interior Design program at Utah State University. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from USU with her BS degree in 1996 and became NCIDQ certified in 2007.
Throughout her 20+ years of design and construction experience, Stefani has worked as a staff designer for a boutique retailer, in furniture sales, as an independent design consultant, and as the lead architectural designer for a custom and production home builder. Her 10+ years designing homes for the custom and production builders gave Stefani an insider’s edge into quality and value- engineered home design and construction.
In 2015, Stefani opened her own residential design firm, Domani Home Design. Her typical clients are homeowners looking to “level up” their home environment. The home designs Stefani produces for them utilizes her unique SMART Cycle of Design© to create quality plans that tell the homeowners’ stories and fits their own personal lifestyle through the finished floor plans.
Stefani’s home designs have won multiple awards including several People’s Choice Award for the Cache Valley HBA’s Parade of Homes. Most recently, Stefani was privileged to implement her SMART Cycle of Design© for The House That She Built that was featured in the 2021 Utah Valley Parade of Homes. She is continuing her participation and volunteer work with the mission of THTSB to educate and provide opportunities for other women to join the residential construction industry.
Her design training courses teaching the SMART Cycle of Design© will be launched in the spring of 2022. She can be found on most social media platforms under the DomaniHomeDesign handle.